The policies outlined in this document are strictly enforced and all personnel are made aware of this protocol.
This information provides the workplace health and safety policies of Richard Field Constructions trading as Field Construct and must be read in conjunction with the company’s management system documentation and Work Health and Safety Management Plan. Field Construct is committed to complying with current legislation, including the Queensland Work Health and Safety Act and Regulation, and ensuring the workplace health and safety of all persons on its site whether they are workers, contractors, visitors or members of the public.
Work Health and Safety (WHS) is a primary consideration in the planning and organisation of this company’s operations. The management of WHS is identified in the company’s management system which incorporates both the quality management system standard of ISO 9001 and the occupational health and safety management systems standard of AS 4801.
Field Construct strives to fully integrate health and safety into every aspect of the business through a process of continual improvement. This will be achieved by implementing and maintaining a framework that ensures the systematic management of health and safety and by setting measurable targets.
Safety is the responsibility of everyone at the company’s office and on the site of every project with which the company is involved. For this reason, this document, the management system procedures and forms, and the Work Health and Safety Management Plan for each project are communicated to all employees, subcontractors and suppliers through visual access of the documents or through regular verbal or written communication.
The management of this company ensures that every person has a responsibility to themselves, their fellow workers and the company to be fully committed in preventing accidents and ensuring co-operation and communication with other personnel in order to maintain safety conscientious.
It is the responsibility of everyone to advise other personnel of any observed unsafe acts and to report these to the Site Manager / Foreperson.
This information is used in conjunction with the company’s Work Health and Safety Management Plan developed specifically for the project at hand and to provide a complete indication of this company’s commitment to workplace health & safety control.